CRC Anti-Corrosion 300g

CRC Anti-Corrosion 300g

Category: CRC


Description :
  • CRC Anti-Corrosion Heavy Wax Film is a heavy transparent amber film that is a long-term indoor/outdoor corrosion inhibitor for machined surfaces and assemblies that are subjected to long periods of storage or shipping conditions. It forms a durable, dry(waxy) film that has a high build capacity, and will not wash off or wipe off, even in severe conditions. Anti-Corrosion Heavy Wax Film protects against heat, humidity, chemicals or severely corrosive atmospheres. It may be easily removed with solvent prior to re-commissioning of equipment, or when maintenance is required. Where necessary, use Anti-Corrosion Light Wet Film first to drive out moisture and humidity. Heavy Wax Compound High Build Capacity Durable Dry Film Won't Wash or Wipe Off For Severe Conditions.

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